โ Paper Details โ
Aisha Abdul Rashid, Dr. Jamilu Muhammad, and Dr. Aminu Salisu Tsauri
- Educational Development
- Paper ID: MIJRDV3I10006
- Volume: 03
- Issue: 01
- Pages: 80-87
- ISSN: 2583-0406
- Publication Year: 2023
Abstract โโ
This paper examines the impact of a cooperative learning technique on secondary school students' academic performance and retention in biology in Katsina Metropolis. The study used a pretest-posttest research design, and a questionnaire was used as the data gathering tool. Three hundred and fifty (350) secondary school students were chosen as the study's sample using proportionate stratified random sampling. Biology Performance Tests (BPT) and Biology Interest Questionnaires (BIQ) were designed and employed, with reliability coefficients of 0.678 and 0.685, respectively. To answer the study questions, the statistical technique used for data analysis descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, and mean rank). The study's findings led to the conclusion that students taught biology using a cooperative learning strategy outperformed their peers taught using a lecture method. It was suggested that the cooperative strategy be implemented into the teaching and learning of Biology at the Senior Secondary School level (JS 4&5) in order to facilitate and reduce the chances of widespread failure in the senior secondary certificate examination.
Keywords โโ
Cooperative Learning, Strategy, Academic Performance, Biology.
Cite this Publication โโ
Aisha Abdul Rashid, Dr. Jamilu Muhammad, and Dr. Aminu Salisu Tsauri (2023), Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Strategy on Academic Performance and Retention in Biology Among Secondary School Student in Katsina Metropolis. Multidisciplinary International Journal of Research and Development (MIJRD), Volume: 03 Issue: 01, Pages: 80-87. https://www.mijrd.com/papers/v3/i1/MIJRDV3I10006.pdf